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Embracing God's Guidance in Summer Parenting

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)


First off: anything I write about parenting is humbling. As I write this I know that I am writing to myself, and others are just listening in.

Summer is a season of exploration, growth, and bonding for families. As parents, it's an opportune time to nurture and guide our children in ways that reflect God's love and wisdom. Here are some reflections and tips for parenting in the summer:

1. Create Meaningful Moments: Summer offers a break from routines, providing valuable opportunities to create lasting memories with your children. Whether through outdoor adventures, family trips, or simple activities at home, cherish these moments of togetherness.

2. Teach by Example: As you spend time with your children, model Godly characteristics such as patience, kindness, and gratitude. Show them how to live out their faith in daily life and encourage them to follow Jesus through your words and actions.

3. Nurture Their Faith: Use the summer months to deepen your children's understanding of God's love and His Word. Incorporate prayer, Bible stories, and discussions about faith into your daily routines. Help them build a strong foundation of faith that will guide them throughout their lives. Don’t just get to your destination. Use the car-time to build memorable memories…at least part of the time. And do something meaningful first. The kids may moan but it will set the tone for the remaining time.

4. Encourage Creativity and Learning: Foster your children's curiosity by engaging them in creative activities and educational pursuits. Explore nature, visit museums, read books together, or try new hobbies that spark their interests and stimulate their minds. We have some learning differences in our family so we enjoy watching movies based off of real events and even documentaries.

5. Set Boundaries with Love: While summer can be a time of freedom, it's important to establish boundaries that promote safety, respect, and responsibility. Discipline with love and consistency, guiding your children to make wise choices and grow in character.

6. Be Present and Listen: Take time to truly listen to your children's thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Create a safe space where they feel valued and understood. Offer guidance and support as they navigate challenges and celebrate their achievements.

7. Pray for Your Children: Lift your children up in prayer daily, asking God to protect, guide, and bless them. Pray for wisdom and discernment as you parent, trusting that God's grace is sufficient for every need.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the precious gift of children. As we journey through this summer season, grant us Your wisdom and strength to parent them in ways that honor You. Help us to nurture their hearts, minds, and spirits, pointing them towards Your love and truth. May our parenting reflect Your grace and lead our children closer to You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

May these reflections and tips inspire you to embrace God's guidance as you parent your children during the summer, fostering a season of growth, joy, and spiritual enrichment in your family.


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